Gusset and fin plate connections - upper part

Bolted Connections

Bolted connections most effectively transfer in-plane forces between plates through shearing of the bolts and bearing forces on the edges of the plate holes. Less effectively bolted connections can transfer out-of-plane forces through plate bending and tensile forces in the bolts. These types of load transfer through a bolted connection are quite different.

Recent research focus has been on the transfer of in-plane forces between plates and especially in the development of a generalized formulation for block tearing, which is able to handle the block tearing interaction of normal forces, shear forces and moments for gusset and fin plate connections with large eccentricities of the shear force.

Gusset and fin plate connections and relevant block tearing - lower part


Relevant Images of C- and L- block tearing cut-outs

C-cut-out stress distributions 

L-cut-out stress distributions 

C-Cut-out B1-H1-3(f)B1-H1-3(f)L-cut-out-test-setup - flexible connectionL-cut-out-flexible connection
L-cut-out-test photo - flexible connectionL-cut-out-test setup - stiff connectionL-cut-out-stiff connectionL-cut-out-2-stiff connection



Journal Papers


Conference Papers

  1. Jönsson, Jeppe "Block failure in connections - including effets of eccentric loads". Proceedings of the 7th European conference on steel and composite structures (EUROSTEEL 2014). University of Naples Federico II. 2014.
  2. Jönsson, Jeppe "Generalized Block Failure"  Nordic Steel Constuction Conference, Tampere, Finland, September 2015.

Student Projects

Front page - 2015 Balint Henter2015 Taha and Wisam TeoriFront page - 2015 Taha and Wisam - TestrapportFront page - 2015 Tim Alstrom and Lars Raaschou TeoriFront page - 2015 Tim Alstrm and Lars Raaschou - Forsogs-rapport Front page - 2014 Steen Winterskov-Andersen - Capacity of Gusset Plate Connections Front page - 2014 Steen Winterskov-Andersen -Tensile TestFront page - 2014 Jonatan Staer Nissen Front page - 2014 Jakob Schmidt OlsenFront page - 2014 Thomas Holm skov - Experimental Investigation Front page - 2013 Sune Schmidt Norgaard  Font page - 2011 Laerke Mikkelsen

  1. Balint Henter, Block Tearing in Bolted Shear Connections - A Finite Element Investigation, MSc Project, DTU Civil Engineering, February 2015.
  2. Taha Belal Eljaja and Wissam Elias Neaman, Undersøgelse af laskepladesamlingers blokforskydning, BEng Project, DTU Civil Engineering, February 2015. 
  3. Taha Belal Eljaja and Wissam Elias Neaman, Testrapport af laskepladesamlingers blokforskydning, BEng Project, DTU Civil Engineering, February 2015.
  4. Tim Alstrøm and Lars Raaschou, Undersøgelse af blokudrivning i bolted samlinger - Teori rapport  , BSc Project, DTU Civil Engineering, February 2015.
  5. Tim Alstrøm and Lars Raaschou, Undersøgelse af blokudrivning i bolted samlinger - Forsøgs rapport, BSc Project, DTU Civil Engineering, February 2015.
  6. Steen Winterskov-Andersen, Capacity of Gusset Plate Connections, MSc Project,  DTU Civil Engineering, March 2014.
  7. Steen Winterskov-Andersen, Tensile Test of Steel Subjects, MSc Project, DTU Civil Engineering, February 2014.
  8. Jonatan Stær Nissen, Test of gusset plate connections, BEng Project, DTU Civil Engineering, Januar 2014.
  9. Jakob Schmidt Olsen, Gusset Plate Connections in Tension, BSc Project, DTU Civil Engineering, June 2014.
  10. Thomas Holm Skov, Experimental Investigation of Gusset Plate Connections in Tension, BEng Project, DTU Civil Engineering, June 2014.
  11. Sune Schmidt Nørgaard, Bolted gusset plate connections and block shear failure, MSc Project, DTU Civil Engineering, February 2013.
  12. Lærke Mikkelsen, Capacity Methods for Steel Connections - Analysis of Bolted Double Gusset Plate Connection, MSc Project, DTU Civil Engineering, March 2011.


Jeppe Cornelius Jönsson
Professor Emeritus
DTU Construct